My first blog post! Woo!
Anyway, down to business. Lately i've been playing Battlefield 3 and i must say i'm impressed.
Currently its an open beta, but its still quite fun to play, even if we can only play on a single map.
The graphics are amazing, the game play is fun and the maps are lovely (well, the 2 i have played on). The guns are rather nice too. I have came from a Bad Company 2 background and i have found the change quite nice.
There are, however, some things i don't like about the new battlefield.
Firstly, the retarded idea of using the browser to find and join servers. WTF were you thinking? While the design is nice and easy to navigate, it can get pretty buggy and is susceptible to exploits. One exploit thats fairly well known is the ability to join passworded servers without knowing the password thanks to some fancy javascript.
Another problem with using the web browser as the launcher is what happens if i suddenly lose internet and want to play some single player? From what we've seen of the beta this will not be possible, since the launcher is a web site ( which would not be available offline.
Secondly, why the hell do we need that heap of crap Origin? The only reason i can see is to download updates though. That could've been implemented with a proper launcher or if they used a decent service such as Steam.
While Origin has its similarities to Steam (both digital distribution methods, both have friends lists) Steam is far superior in every way.
That, and Origin eats resources due to being created in Qt, although could be worse, could be made in .net.
Thirdly, although its Beta and there will be problems. The hit detection better have some work done to it before the release. Many times i have been shot round corners or through rocks. This gets very annoying after a while.
Also a heard that the hit detection is done on the shooters clients game. If so this is a VERY bad idea, it'd be very hackable. Even though the finished game will use Punkbuster, all it would require is a few modified packets or duplicated ones and hey presto, you're killing everybody without punkbuster knowing that you're cheating.
Anyway, time to end my ranting. Even though theres a few things i dont like about BF3, they haven't stopped me from pre-ordering it. Obviously i didn't pre-order from Origin, since that worked out more expensive than getting it from my local Game store.
Seriously, how can getting it on a disk from a 3rd party be cheaper than getting it in a digital download straight from EA? *facepalm*
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